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  • More than any time in recent history, disinfectants and cleaning agents are part of the national conversation. And it’s not just health professionals. Everyone from public transportation workers to families looking to protect their children are now asking questions such as, “How does isopropyl alcoh
  • Isopropyl alcohol (2-propanol), also known as isopropanol or IPA, is the most common and widely used disinfectant within pharmaceutics, hospitals, cleanrooms, and electronics or medical device manufacturing. Different solutions, purity grades, concentrations, and alcohol types yield beneficial clean

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  +86-29 8874 5613-828
 : albert@yuanfar.com
 Fenghui South Road, Dev.Zone of 
High-Tech Ind.,Xi’an, China 710075

HANGYUAN INDUSTRIAL have been engaged in chemical business since 2001, and has our own factories  manufacturing hydrazine product

Contact Us

 : albert.chen@hangyuanindustrial.com
 Room 601,6 Floor, Buliding A,Midwest Inland Port Financial Town,No.99 Gangwu Avenue, Xi'An,China.
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