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  • Aspirin can be made by reacting salicylic acid with acetic acid in the presence of an acid catalyst. The phenol group on the salicylic acid forms an ester with the carboxyl group on the acetic acid. However, this reaction is slow and has a relatively low yield.To prepare aspirin, salicylic acid is r
  • Salicylic acid is derived from willow bark, says cosmetic chemist Ron Robinson, and it belongs to a class of ingredients called salicylates. It's structure is a little complicated, but understanding it is important to learning why (and how) it works so well.When it comes to skin-care products, ther
  • Side effects of use of salicylic acidBecause high concentration of salicylic acid has certain harmfulness, cosmetics containing salicylic acid must be marked with warnings to determine the safety of long-term use, and children under the age of 3 should not use it.

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 Fenghui South Road, Dev.Zone of 
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HANGYUAN INDUSTRIAL have been engaged in chemical business since 2001, and has our own factories  manufacturing hydrazine product

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