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What is Dimethylsulfoxide 's production and application?

Views: 25     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-22      Origin: Site

Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO for short) is a sulfur-containing organic compound, English Dimethylsulfoxide,Dimethyl Sulfoxide distributor - Yuanfarchemicals molecular formula is (CH3) 2SO, at room temperature is colorless and odorless transparent liquid, hypersonic flammable liquid, both high polarity, high boiling point, aprotic, miscible in water, very low toxicity, good thermal stability, Unmixed with alkane, soluble in water, ethanol, propanol, ether, benzene and chloroform and other most organic matter, known as "universal Chemicalbook solvent". Is commonly used in organic solvents, one of the strongest solubility. It can dissolve most organic compounds, including carbohydrates, polymers, peptides, and many inorganic salts and gases. It can dissolve 50-60% of its own weight in solutes (other solvents dissolve only 10-20%), so it is important in sample management and high-speed drug screening. Under certain conditions, an explosive reaction occurs when dimethyl sulfoxide comes in contact with acyl chloride.

Application of Dimethyl Sulfoxide:

Dimethyl sulfoxide is widely used as solvent and reaction reagent, especially as processing solvent and drawing solvent in acrylonitrile polymerization, as polyurethane synthesis and drawing solvent, as polyamide, polyimide and polysulfone resin synthesis solvent, as well as aromatic, butadiene extraction solvent and the synthesis of chlorofluoroaniline solvent. In addition, dimethyl sulfoxide is directly used as the raw material and carrier of some drugs in the pharmaceutical industry. Dimethyl sulfoxide itself has anti-inflammatory analgesic, diuretic, sedation and other effects, also known as "panacea", often as an active component of analgesic drugs added to drugs. It has the special property of penetrating skin easily, causing users to feel the taste like oyster. Dimethyl sulfoxide solution of sodium cyanide can cause cyanide poisoning by dermal contact. Dimethyl sulfoxide itself is less toxic. Dimethyl sulfoxide is used as an extraction agent by a large number of chemical pharmaceutical enterprises, but due to the high boiling point of DMSO, the operating temperature is too high and the material is coking, which affects the recovery of dimethyl sulfoxide and equipment cleaning, and also increases energy consumption. Therefore, the recovery of dimethyl sulfoxide has become a bottleneck for its further extensive use as an extractant. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a common aprotic organic solvent used to dissolve polar and nonpolar compounds. The deuterated form DMSO-D6 (D479382) is mainly used in NMR studies because of its ability to dissolve most analytes and its NMR spectrum is easily recognized.

Production of Dimethyl Sulfoxide:

Dimethyl sulfoxide is generally prepared by dimethyl sulfide oxidation method, and there are different production processes because of the different oxidants and oxidation methods. 1. Methanol carbon disulfide formyl alcohol and carbon disulfide as raw materials, using γ -al2o3 as catalyst, first synthesis of dimethyl sulfide, and then with nitrogen dioxide (or nitric acid) oxidation to dimethyl sulfoxide. 2 hydrogen peroxide method with acetone as a buffer medium, so that dimethyl sulfide and hydrogen peroxide reaction. Dimethyl sulfoxide production by this method is expensive and not suitable for large-scale production. 3. Dimethyl sulfide was prepared by nitrogen dioxide method with methanol and hydrogen sulfide under the action of γ -alumina; Sulfuric acid reacts with sodium nitrite to produce Chemicalbook nitric oxide. Dimethyl sulfide and nitrogen dioxide at 60-80℃ for gas-liquid oxidation reaction to generate crude dimethyl sulfoxide, there are also direct oxidation with oxygen, the same generation of crude dimethyl sulfoxide, and then by vacuum distillation, refined dimethyl sulfoxide products. This method is a more advanced production method. 4. Dimethyl sulfate method dimethyl sulfate and sodium sulfide reaction, the preparation of dimethyl sulfide; Sulfuric acid reacts with sodium nitrite to produce nitrogen dioxide. The crude dimethyl sulfoxide was oxidized by dimethyl sulfide and nitrogen dioxide, and then neutralized and distilled to obtain refined dimethyl sulfoxide. In addition, dimethyl sulfoxide was produced from dimethyl sulfide by anodic oxidation.

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